Design for Social Media

You create, we visualize.
Social media stands among the main drivers of user acquisition and retention. Producing quality content with captivating visuals allows to maximize the potential of this traffic channel. However, not all businesses have the capacity to manage both aspects effectively. Many smaller companies have valuable expertise to share but lack the design skills needed to fully leverage their content.

By cooperating with us, such businesses can concentrate on handling the text aspect of content production, allowing them to focus on what they do best. Leave the visual presentation aspect to us, and stand out from the competition on social media.
Our approach to Design for Social Media
In the visually-driven world of social media, captivating designs are essential to capturing your audience's attention and leaving a lasting impression. At Advertisie, our designers understand the power of aesthetics and user experience. We do our best to create distinctive graphics that that are a pleasure to view.
Visual Branding
Your brand's visual identity is a crucial component of your online presence. Our designers craft visuals that align with your brand's unique personality and style, ensuring consistent and recognizable visuals across your website and all social media platforms.
Eye-catching designs are among the key factors contributing to stopping scrolls and captivating your audience. Our designers possess a keen eye for aesthetics, skillfully blending colors, typography, and imagery to grab attention and leave a lasting impression.
Aesthetic Appeal
Great design is not just about aesthetics; it's also about creating an intuitive and accessible experience. Our team takes a user-centric approach, ensuring that our designs are not only visually appealing but also intuitive and accessible for various audiences.
User Experience
Our SMM Workflow
Our design team follows a workflow to ensure that every visual asset we create for your brand is not only aesthetically pleasing but also aligned with your brand identity and marketing objectives.
Our cooperation begins with a discovery phase, where we immerse ourselves in your brand's essence, target audience, and objectives. This initial step helps to establish reference points for the desired style.
Phase 1
Discovery session
Armed with an understanding of your brand, our designers engage in an ideation process, exploring various visual concepts and mood boards. This stage helps us formulate visual guidelines that we will adhere to in the design of future assets.
Phase 2
Concept development
Once the concept is approved, our designers craft the visuals for your content, incorporating feedback and iterations to refine the designs. Our team optimizes the visuals for various social media platforms – this results in a seamless and consistent visual experience for your audience, regardless of where they engage with your brand.
Phase 3
Iterative Design Cycles
The final step in our design workflow involves delivering the optimized visuals to you and ensuring a smooth implementation process across your social media channels. Our team collects your feedback to make the future design decisions based on the actual user experience.
Phase 4
Delivery and Feedback
See Our Work in Action
Explore our portfolio of completed web projects. Each project showcases how we've transformed our client's vision into performing designs.
Feel free to reach out to us
Ready to stand out in the social landscape? Let us know of your project to elevate your brand together.